Email Marketing Service | Opossum Media

The top 10 best methods for email marketing is here

As a Real Estate representative, you probably count on e-mail to connect with customers and leads. Take advantage of this tried-and-true tool by following these best methods for email marketing.

The best methods for email marketing

1. Build your email database

2. Segment your e-mail database

3. Clean your email database

4. Good subject lines avoid spam filters

5. Be conversational

6. Seek an honest and real connection

7. Think like your clients

8. Create trust by sending consistently with excellent e-mail content

9. Schedule your campaigns

10. Get permission to send emails

These are the main points for sending email campaigns, but not every company has the time, skill, or knowledge for this. Opossum Media has exactly all of this plus they have their own build email platform. At this stage, you can decide to continue reading and find out how to build your own email campaign or contact us and we will have you sending the best emails in a jiffy. These are the best methods for email marketing.

1. Build your e-mail list.

The first thing to focus on when it comes to property email advertising and marketing is listing of email addresses. As a professional Real Estate agent, you have a list of customers who you currently email or contact on a regular base.

This is the best base for your e-mail advertising list.

When you are out networking and have social meetings, as most agents do, add those new potential clients to your list or database directly. Performance is a point and there are even applications that will load a business card straight into your contact list. Those contacts can be moved to your email list later on.

2. Segment your email database.

Know your target group and to whom you market to. When you have captured the information, you can divide this information into various groups. For example, you can segment your client by budget, area, type of building, etc.

Make sure to identify the age or age group of your client so you know how to address them or in what style to write them.

If you are obtaining your leads via any other form of list building, advertising, and marketing, and so on, there are many built-in applications you can use to make things easier.

Create separate lists by classifications, such as those searching for urban versus SUV homes, retired life versus a family house, and so on. This makes it much easier to market especially towards specific customers.

You also could develop different lists according to when recipients clicked an email link. Normally 30- as well as 90-day increments function. Making different lists will certainly help you create proper emails to keep and obtain brand-new customers.

3. Clean your email database

Something you have to do and might have become aware of is cleaning your e-mail database

Check your email list and eliminate those that have not opened nor clicked your emails.

If you keep in control of your database, you should clean every 90 days of your database. The cleaner your database the better the engagement. You want quality versus quantity. Don’t spend your time on customers that aren’t interested, or may also be unhappy off your messages.

List the email addresses that haven’t clicked on an email in the last 90 days and separate them. This list will be marked for your last “chance email” or emails and you give them a last chance to re-engage with you. This can be a special offer or simply a “goodbye unless…”. If they do not respond, then take them off the checklist.

4. Good subject lines avoid spam filters

After composing your prepared Real Estate email marketing emails, make sure your email does not have words that cause it as spam or get it thrown into the “promotions” tab. Not that the promos tab can’t be good– it serves its purpose– however, for what we intend to achieve, steer clear.

Ensure the subject line is appropriate and will not enter into the “advertising” tab in Gmail or spam folder.

Here is a list of words that might dispose your message right into the spam folder. Avoid them.

Craft a message that gets along, and feel free to use an emoji. Individuals like emojis. Just don’t go crazy.

5. Be conversational.

Establish your first welcome email as a much more casual, “hello there” email. The trick here is to make use of plain text. You can safely assume that all your clients receive emails and know how to steer away from sales emails.

When you create emails in plain text and don’t add links, pictures, or eye-catching fonts, you make certain that all email recipients can see your message.

You want them to receive it as friendly and less like a sales pitch. Something straightforward about exactly how it was excellent to fulfill them and also you are looking forward to seeing them in the future.

6. Seek an honest and real connection

Befriend your customers. Do not simply offer to them, get in touch with them. Maintain this in mind when it pertains to producing or crafting your email. Go for the long game and ask your self “ how many clients are buying from the first email”? Get this relationship first and then sell. This is one of the best methods for email marketing.

7. Think like your clients

Each Real Estate representative has a different specialization, with different needs.

Determine your goals for every email campaign

Obtain a strategy, and then ask for your customers’ opinion. Analyze your old email performance data. What made them respond or purchase? How did you engage them through your campaign?

Often you should imagine how you would react when reading an email like yours. Step in your customers’ shoos and determine your conversion points or where it is lacking. This is where options are located. You can’t go wrong here as you are probably the hardest customer.

8. Create trust by sending consistently with engaging e-mail content

Send on regular base messages with relevant information. Build trust and grow your relationship with your client base.

After the first welcome email, place them on your e-mail listing for your regular newsletter or once a week update emails. You can also consider gradually introducing them to your newsletter by using various other sorts of web content, such as short videos or interesting knowledge.

This way the customer starts seeing the value in what you offer, and it gives your Real Estate business a greater conversion rate.

9. Schedule your campaigns

Create numerous emails in advance. Like an automatic response for a specific segment, write a welcome e-mail for those who just entered your email list.

Keep it easy and informative.

Try some cross-selling for similar products. Write different e-mails according to the classifications you created. Know your target group better than anyone else.

10. Get permission to send emails.

You will certainly want your customers to agree to receive your newsletter. In your second email, after your initial friendly welcome email, include an option for them to “opt-in” for your weekly newsletter as well as other weekly e-mails. Make sure you have separate groups for them so they won’t unsubscribe for all the groups (Marketing, promotions, did you know, updates, etc.) when they click on unsubscribe. It might be that your customers don’t like your promotions but do like to be updated when something is changing in your company.

Tips to write content for Email Marketing

There are lots of means to write content for your e-mails. Real Estate agents have a clear advantage since there is a lot going on in the market. Don’t limit yourself to only prices but think of how for example unemployment is influencing the prices. Best methods for email marketing.

Writing your basic welcome email should be as simple as this example here below.

Hi Dennis(e)!

It was nice meeting you the previous week! I had a lot of fun, moreover, it was very productive. I’m expecting to see you on the next trip!




Website/Social profile

Do not be aggressive! You wish to get in touch with them on an individual level. You can create a conventional email without names and make it a lot more general, but if you are meeting just a few people at once, then take the time to email them directly.

When writing other emails, bear in mind these points

5 content writing tips

1. Be friendly and conversational.

2. Don’t write for the sake of writing; do not write 50 words when 25 will certainly do.

3. Keep it simple; don’t crowd the email with everything.

4. Use 1 unique link but spread it over 2 or 3 places within your email.

5. Use clear, short subject lines

Make sure to have several generic emails set up and that are sent when someone signs up or clicks on your website or email.

Update your style and the structure of your email every month so your email will keep having a fresh look.

See to it to have a subscription button on your website or social media page. Provide the customer some alternative newsletters that might interest them

When you are crafting your Real Estate database and aiming to communicate in a friendly way, a short anecdote, testimonial of your top client or story might be an excellent place to start. A client success tale or positive neighborhood news can offer a lot of excellent relevant content.

Analyze your email campaigns and optimize according to their performance to get the best methods for email marketing.

Additional content tips

Newsletters can be a great method to consistently engage your existing clients while building a connection with prospective clients. If you can pin down what your clients intend to review, your capability to obtain readers will grow as existing customers share your content with their circles. The opportunities are endless!

So what should you include?

There are many topics to choose from for Real Estate agents. Choose a few solid topics to regularly publish in each newsletter. Pictures are always good but don’t use too many.

You should consider the 70/30 rule where 70% is plain text.

Another not less important point is that most people are reading their email “on the way” from their mobile device so make sure that it is mobile-friendly.

Sometimes you simply can’t think of any topic. If that happens to you, just think of the last few conversations you had with your clients. Good chance that you’ve discussed something to write about. As mentioned before, to increase engagement, write as if you discuss it with them.

Find a few topics you would like to share, and write your content around these subjects for your customers.

You can also think of an “exclusive” sneak peek of up and coming residential properties. Do some networking and talk to people. You do not have to pretend to be a journalist, but a little bit of fishing while speaking with others isn’t that bad.

Think of a residence’s history, if it has one. Some interesting stories about the neighborhood. Also sharing how the previous owners started their garden or had big family parties in the backyard can produce a solid psychological connection.

What to think of embedding a video

Real Estate representatives go in and out of residences regularly. Why wait for an expert or a professional photographer? Fire a short selfie-style video of the attributes of your home. Even if it is a fixer top, mentioning the appropriate points and marketing to the best audience will certainly go a long way.

Customize this by thinking about your customers. If you find a residential or commercial property they like, make them their very own video clip as well as email it to them with the link connected. Clients like to feel unique.

What is next?

Emails flood your inboxes, and many are focused on Marketing. It is important to be creative and not to repeat too often the same thing. Think outside of the box and you’ll see the difference.

When you create a solid e-mail marketing campaign, you can bring a constant flow of leads to your company. Even if you are an experienced Real Estate agent who has a well-known organization, these pointers will help improve your lead generation but you can also consider outsourcing this to an agency. Opossum Media is specialized in email marketing. Hiring and training new employees is time-consuming and not very cost-effective in the beginning. With Opossum Media you have a dedicated team that is specialized in Email Marketing and so much more. Check us out! We have the best methods for email marketing.

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